Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, at any age. The topic of bullying is mostly associated with children or teenagers, but adults can also be victims of harassment and abusive actions online.
To see the severity of adult cyberbullying, it is enough to read the comments under the posts of celebrities, athletes, and even politicians on social media. Ordinary criticism often borders on real mockery there. However, it is not only public figures who suffer from bullying and insults on the Internet — anyone can become a victim. Therefore, Anti-Cyberbullying Day is a great opportunity to learn more about adult cyberbullying and ways to combat it.
What adult cyberbullying looks like
Bullying on the Internet occurs on social media, messaging apps, comments, forums, and even on gaming platforms. The reasons for bullying can be political or religious beliefs, appearance, character, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and anything that can make a person an easy target in the eyes of a cyberbully.
Often, stalkers are strangers, but in some cases, they can be acquaintances, colleagues, and former romantic partners. For example, bullying in the workplace has been termed mobbing. Workers, in order to make someone resign, start using intimidation, humiliation, or spreading false rumors.
Political discussions on social media or various forums can also often attract cyberbullies. Therefore, such discussions are often filled with hatred and cruel comments. Unfortunately, trolls often join such discussions precisely to stir up arguments between people and then just watch them.
Even in the workplace, you can become a victim of bullying – mobbing. ESET.
Political discussions on social media or various forums can also often attract cyberbullies. Therefore, such discussions are often filled with hatred and cruel comments. Unfortunately, trolls often join such discussions specifically to incite arguments between people and then simply watch them.
How to counter cyberbullying?
When children and teenagers become victims of bullying, they are usually advised to seek help from adults. In the case of adult cyberbullying, the approach is similar — they should turn to more competent people in such matters, namely the relevant authorities.
However, often the problem of adult cyberbullying on the Internet can be solved without police intervention. Most social media platforms have built-in tools to combat all forms of online bullying. In particular, on Facebook, you can block profiles and report offensive comments and posts. The social network also has pages dedicated to helping people who have become victims of abuse, bullying, or harassment on Facebook. The Instagram network also encourages users to report any instances of bullying and harassment, and offers resources to help those who have experienced it.
Discussions on forums can provoke cyberbullying – ESET study.
On most popular gaming platforms, there are also certain restrictions that help counteract harassment. In addition to players being able to report violations themselves, gaming platforms have automated detection of offensive behavior. Temporary or permanent restrictions and removals from the platform may be applied to violators. Of course, they can re-register, but all game progress will be lost.
It is worth remembering that online bullying is never the victim’s fault. If something like this happens to you, be sure to seek help. Talk to your friends, family members, and representatives of official bodies to help you find a solution to the problem.
It is also important to keep copies of messages, social media posts, emails, photos, or anything else that has been used against you for the purpose of bullying. This way, you will be able to prove that you were a victim of bullying if you decide to report it.
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